Last weekend I went to the Fifth Year Anniversary of Faz’d Out, donde mi hermano Ricardo juega los tambores. Fue una gran experiencia para ver a esos chicos juntos otra vez después de más de un año de inactividad. I took a bunch of shots with my camera Sony Alpha SLT-A55V to remember the moment.
That night reminded me those great times when we used to go to those Houston bars to cheer them up whenever they had their gigs. That makes me what? A groupie? Beer in hand and camera on the other, I’ve made great friends and enjoyed their company while watching them play.
Anyhow, without further preamble, I present to you the new and re-united Faz’d Out and their guest singer Kayla Smith from the band “The Scars Heal in Time”. I’m only posting a few pictures, but feel free to request all of the pictures I took that night. (A lot, but compressed into a zip file.)